5 korr 2010

200 Facebook Friends Generate 4,400 Twitter Followers Worth of Traffic

There are several reasons why one Facebook friend is worth 22 Twitter followers. If you didn't know the pure traffic potential of both social media networks, you'd spin your wheels on one side by investing the same amount of effort into each network.

For starters, Facebook status updates move much more slowly than Twitter's time line stream does. The average amount of time your Twitter post stays visible to the average user who follows about 130 people is 1 hour. On the contrary, since Facebook friends don't post nearly as often, your Facebook status message will be visible for about 12 hours to all of your friends.

If you don't believe me, just login to Facebook and see the time stamp of the oldest friend update. There are many other factors to consider when deciding which and how to invest your marketing horse power. The below video hits all the issues in detail. If you have any questions, ask them in the viral marketing forum

24 qer 2007

Gaming Google Adwords Adsense - Viral Web Marketing Los Angeles

Most business models are based on a product and service. Then the execs sit around and figure out how to bring it to market. In the new web market, a smarter business model is built off of marketing with viral nature. If you can establish a consistent replicatable flow of traffic, then build a product around that traffic instead of trying to build traffic around a product. That's what my friends at Reverse Phone Directory .com did.

Engadget Boingboing Gizmodo - Viral Web Marketing Los Angeles

If you get on the front page of any of the big 4 blogs, you've instantly hit the jackpot. PR Firms and Ad Agencies around the world pay large "gratuities" to people who know and have relationships with the editors of Engadget, BoingBoing, Make, Gizmodo, Slashdot, Netscaps and the Top Digg Users. If you don't know any of these folks then get to know the editors personally. Comment on their work consistently over 60 days. Send them stuff. This is how it's done in the record industry. This is how it's done in every industry.

I know these guys. I'm not saying that they'll publish what ever you request of them. But it sure does raise the likelihood that they will actually look at what you submit to them over the millions of other submissions.

Digg API Tips - Viral Marketing Los Angeles

We all know about the importance of the DIGG API. It lets the public submit stories FOR you. Trouble is that if a submittor doesn't have a lot of friends, you're out of luck as your story will likely only get a couple diggs. Don't despair. Wait a month, revise the story, and you can resubmit it yourself.

As far as the most effective places to put the api, create a phbbb forum, create a blog, put the api in your signature of every forum you join, and put the link to "MY #1" in the signature of all your emails. Digg will love you and you'll get massive inbound links. A True Win-win.

PhpBB Forum - Viral Web Marketing Los Angeles

The beauty of a forum is the simple fact that every new post creates a new webpage. If you just put a text link on the footer template your forum, every new post creates another text link for you. Let the public build your links FOR YOU.

Gaming Blogs - Viral Marketing Los Angeles

First of all, I hate / abhor / reject / refuse / and fight blogspam. Blogspam dramatically reduces the usability of the web and basically turns perfectly good blogs into the equivalent of a new blank wall on the border of two inner city gangs' turfs. I strongly advocate using the above technique to leave valuable helpful or entertaining comments. Besides, if you don't you'll just get deleted and waste your time anyway.

Gaming Youtube - Viral Web Marketing Los Angeles

Ok, the title is misleading. You really can't game Youtube. This is more about how to maximize youtube's features for link building and traffic. Just remember to embed videos that show up in the Youtube search results for the SAME TERM you want from Google. Remember, Google owns youtube so the algorythm is identical.